When I first came out and seen this deck system in January , I got super excited ! A Hebron KY deck owner was looking for a deck painter that could save their deck from a nasty peeling coating. I had a idea what it was before I arrived. But , once I got to the home and seen the deck, …………….
I knew as soon as I laid my eyes on the rough lava rock looking paint hanging from its spindles , peeling and loose , We were going to get the opportunity to ENCAPSULATE and LOCKDOWN another Peeling Rustoleum Restore 10x deck system.
Rustoleum Restore 10x was a deck rescue paint sold by department stores like Home Depot or Lowes. Between 2000-2015 or so {approx} is when a lot of homeowners purchased it to resurface their decks. It was basically a direct competitor to Behr Deck Over. Sold for homeowners to rescue old weathered decks.
Early in my career I got to encapsulate and lockdown a lot of decks with Restore10x peeling. However, as the years go forward they are starting to become more rare . And that is a good thing, it means Kong Armor has made a significant impact at solving the peeling deck paint epidemic here in the Northern Kentucky -Cincinnati- Tristate area that was brought on by these diy deck coatings.
We ended up giving this project the hashtag #hebronkyrestore10x . Here are some pictures of this Hebron Kentucky Deck before we brought Kong Armor { The World’s Toughest Deck Armor } in to encapsulate it via #deckrescuepainting and #peelingdeckpaintlockdown

A Perfect opportunity for us to come in and show how powerful Kong Armor is at the lockdown encapsulation of peeling deck paints. And especially to demonstrate it’s ability to do this to a Massively thick aggressive deck rescue coating like Restore 10x.
The very first step was for us to get as much of the peeling Restore 10x off of the deck as possible , the more the better. There is no coating that can resurface restore and bring the deck back to smooth again. It can only be Encapsulated and the texture lived with . So during the cleaning and preparatory process the more you can remove the better.
With our special tips and prep to remove peeling deck paint , we ended up getting way more of the Peeling Rustoleum Restore 10x off the deck than we anticipated. And especially off of the floor, where we were able to remove almost all of it. Here are some pictures ;

So we got a massive amount of the peeling restore up , more so on the floor than the rails , but at any rate this was better all around for the decks end appearance. The more of this particular peeling deck paint you can get off a deck the better . It appearance is horrible. And remember its cannot be taken away , only encapsulated and locked down. So we want to get all of it off as we can without actually doing sanding and that type of stuff. We scraped this deck too, which we typically do not do! However it was yielding results that were not massive labor , so a couple hours of scraping was worth it to get our customer a better end appearance.

I don’t want to make this post massively long, I think you get the idea. Restoring and coating decks , and locking down ones with peeling Deck paint is not a spectator sport. I just wanted to demonstrate to you guys the power of Kong Armor to bring decks like this back to life. I am upset that the shadows being casted on the deck at the time of day we took final media is taking away from the absolute glory of this deck via pictures and video. It is impressive, and they make it look not as great as it is. Our beautiful custom Deck Color Mallard Green ( KA-3008) is stunning when its viewed without giant tree limb shadows showing across it. Its making me more upset as I write this article just looking at the wasted pictures of this gorgeous system. I am a perfectionist with decks , and how they appear, my apologies.
In real life this deck is jaw dropping gorgeous with a high-build tough film. It’s color is rich and deep , based off the same color present on the mallard duck species. The beautiful colored Armor film has filled out almost all of the cracks of the deck and 80 percent or more of the nail and screw entry holes. It is very beautiful. Synthetic almost composite like look. The most important thing is we got all the peeling rustoleum restore 10x on Lockdown under Kong Armor #4life.
These customers saved at minimum 10k in my opinion , and now have a Lifetime Limited Warranty and Lifetime Service promise with us. Both locally backed and unmatched in the industry by anyone close to a competitor of ours. Real value. Kong is a Lifetime Deck Armor system and they should never have to completely repaint or stain their deck system ever again, provided they follow a simple maintenance protocol that all decks are subject to like cleaning and inspection.

I am going to leave you with a simple link below where you can go right now and sign up for a free quote. If you have peeling deck paint , peeling restore 10x , peeling behr deckover , or any other , we can bring your deck back to High-Build , tough, protected and gorgeous . Do not wait , click the link below now if you live in Northern Kentucky – Cincinnati- SouthEast Indiana ( the tristate)
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